Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eva Olsson Holocaust Speech

Going into Eva Olsson's speech about her experience with the Holocaust was very exciting, because I didn't know that much about the Holocaust. For that reason, I was excited to learn more about her experience.

Her speech had a very strong message from start to finish. During her speech, I heard a lot of good lessons and stories to think about, but the strongest lesson was about hate. Her message was basically that hate killed her family and many more people. She said that the next time we are going to say the word "hate", we should think about what hate did to her. I think that I will definitely think about that the next time the word hate crosses my mind.

I thought that the camps that she described in her speech sounded very scary, and I felt very sad for her, her family, and all of the victims. From what Ms. Olsson said in her speech, she coped with the situation extremely well and made it out alive and very strong. From the details that she gave to us about the characteristics of the camp, I think I would be most scared of the Gas Showers. First of all, just the thought of putting someone in a shower with gas coming out of the showers sounds horrible. But to make things worse, they wouldn't turn off the showers until the person was dead.

I think what I'm trying to say is that her speech was very powerful. I think Ms. Olsson's speech is important for everyone to hear. Her message is crucial because as she pointed out, hate is shown in many ways, including bulllying in schools. I would highly reccomend Ms. Olsson's speech to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tommy, and I totally agree on how powerful her speech was! :)
