"Hey Alex, did you see Jershey Shore last night?" "Of course, Snooki has to just chill. I mean seriously, why do you think they call him The Situation?" That could be a typical conversation in the morning, after another exciting episode of Jersey Shore the night before. T.V. is a big part of our lives, and I'm going to try to explain why.
It used to be amazing if you owned a television set, but now it is amazing if you don't. Ever since I remember, there has been a T.V. in my house. I have not always been watching it, but it has always been there. I started watching shows like the Tellitubies and Barney, but then go into Aruther and Magic School Bus. The point is, is that ever since we have been young, there have been shows directed towards our age group. Now there are shows like Little Eintsein, and all those other new and modern baby shows. There are a lot of parents that do not agree with letting their children watch T.V. at such a young age, but others think it is a great idea.
Next time you have a lot of spare time, flip through the T.V. channels, check how many reality shows are on. There is a ridiculous amount of reality shows on these days. I don't want to sound like some grumpy man who hates reality shows, because there are some great ones on, but there has to be a limit. One of the reasons they are kind of ridiculous, is because there are some reality shows about making cakes. I mean seriously, how many people want to waste an hour of their life watching people make cakes. Don't get me wrong, the cakes look really cool, but still, is it worth a making a T.V. show about it.
Talent shows. Remember those things. That was the time that you could show your class how good you are at singing or playing the recorder. I remember when I was in the talent show. I was in grade 3, and I got onto the stage and played Amazing Grace on the recorder. Talent shows are all fine and good when you are in Lower School, but when you are 40 years old and start crying because you got eliminated off of America's Got Talent. Even if you did win, people aren't going to pay money in Vegas to see you hoola hoop for an hour. There are some artists today that have had a career because of American and Canadian Idol. For example, Kelly Clarkson has a great career because of American Idol. I think that T.V. talent shows can be great, but sometimes are annoying and pointless.
I think that T.V. is great, and is an amazing thing, as long as we don't abuse it. And don't just watch reality shows, have a bit of flexibility because reality shows will start to get on your nerves.
Life Lesson: Watch the new season of Jershey Shore which premiers on July 29th, now they're in Miami!!!
I commented on A.J.'s blog about Graphic Novels.